Why with us?

One of the largest fleets in the country

Sign up now

All registration is quick and easy online - even signing a contract is digital

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Drive when it suits you - your working hours are literally flexible

Earn money

Billing takes place every two weeks and we`ll be happy to help you with the bookkeeping too

Be your own boss

Drive as much you want and whenever you want

As one of the largest and most popular applications for food and goods delivery in Slovakia, Wolt closely cooperates with CHT Fleet, which offers you a fantastic opportunity to earn the best revenues for deliveries and at the same time take advantage of many great benefits.

With flexible working hours, you can choose when and how much you want to work.

What`s more, we pay our couriers twice a month so you don`t have to wait a whole month to get paid.The administration fee of our fleet is only 16%, leaving you with the majority - 84%.






Care and transparency

For our drivers


Rent a car, electric bike or electric scooter


Our telephone and email support is here to help you


Automated sending of invoices and your rewards on a bi-weekly basis


Frequently Asked Questions

Wolt has a 2-month payout interval, for the period of 1st-15th sends the payment around the 22nd and for the period of 16th-31st sends the payment around 6th day, depending on business days and holidays. Subsequently, the CHT Fleet processes payments to couriers immediately.

Example of calculation for the period of 16.3. - 31.3.:
On 6.4. we received the payment from Wolt and on the same day the funds were sent to all the couriers, who received the payment within the next 1-2 days after dispatch.

Procedure for termination of the contract:

1. Sending of the termination of the contract by the courier (name surname, permanent address, reason for termination, date)

2. Processing of the notice period by CHT Fleet and commencement of the notice period

3. Upon completion of the notice period, fleet will issue an affidavit

For the exact procedure for depositing cash, please click here.

Get in touch with us

Interested or have questions?

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Your Email *

Your Phone *

Message to us *

* Fields marked with an asterisk are required